From the brain of Pablo Cheesecake…

Just some random shit from my brain to the interweb


I am not exactly a what you would call a snappy dresser. I have my own fairly casual look that I’m comfortable with but on occasion in a fit of pique I go a bit bonkers.  (This probably explains the bright red hair, nipple ring and tattoos but the less said about that the better). My latest fashion purchase is fucking epic, not to everyone’s taste I’ll grant you but check these bad boys out.

Animal PJs...fucking sweet

Please note that this isn’t a photo of me modelling said jammies. I’m more of a keg that a six pack! Aren’t they fab though. Animal from the Muppets. How cool is that.

gadget show live

Mrs Cheesecake and I have got tickets to check this out at the NEC in a few weeks. Last year we missed out so I am real excited that I can attend. I love tech. I am going to be in my element. Mrs Cheesecake better nick my wallet or I am likely to go on a spending rampage. Actually I’ll probably have to hid her purse as well as she is as big a gadget freak is I am.

fantasycon 2010

Gonna get tickets to Fantasy Con 2010. This event is held in Nottingham, right on our doorstep, in September. Last year we only managed to attend one day but this year we are going for the whole thing. Again highly likely that the old wallet will take a pounding but you know what, fuck it.

kick ass & clash of the titans

I’m not sure which of these films I am most excited about. Both are now firmly on the horizon so Easter break will most definitely include more than one trip to the local multiplex. I also read recently that Tron is coming out on blu-ray. I may have to purchase that.

note to all readers

Please remember loyal Pablo Cheesecake fans that as ever there is an Easter egg in my blog. This *comprehensive* additional content is yours if only you can locate it!


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