Big Fuck-Off Sharks (Not So Big Fuck-Off Cheesecake)

We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Cinema

Mrs Cheesecake and I managed to catch the cinema re-release of Jaws today. I find it hard to believe that the film is almost the same age as me, it has certainly aged far better than I. Fashions and tech have all moved on in that time  but those minor qualms aside this movie really has stood the test of time.  (OK I’m willing to concede that Bruce, in some scenes, does look like a ropey big old rubber shark that he is but hey it was made way back in 1975.)

Scheider, Dreyfuss and, my personal favourite, Shaw are all fantastic. Quint really is a mad fucker isn’t he?*

Captain Insane-o Quint (pictured yesterday)

* And the correct answer to that question is clearly a HUGE – Fuck Yeah!

What surprised me most was all the little things I had forgotten (never noticed?) since the last time I watched the film in its entirety. There is one moment where a couple of meteors shot across the sky just as dawn is breaking over the ocean. Never spotted that before, really nice touch.

I really don’t think there is anyway to improve in the perfection of this film…..or is there? I wonder…

Swim damn you, SWIM!….Oops too late, that T-Rex is screwed!

Interestingly there was also a trailer for the re-release of Chariots of Fire, I guess to tie in with the forthcoming Olympics? Mrs Cheesecake has never seen the film so perhaps we’ll check that out when it arrives. The Vangelis soundtrack still sounds suitably epic by the way.

In the most tenuous of ways Chariots of Fire links to my next thought…

Pablo Cheesecake vs. Pablo Cheesecake

My most difficult of challenges continues as my battle against the bulge rolls ever onward. 3stone (42lbs) so far! Recently though I have to admit that I don’t seem to have lost much weight. (I will keep trying though). That said I think I may be a bit more toned than I was before. Running is getting easier and I am starting to quite enjoy it. I’ve started weight training again, albeit slowly. Haven’t done that seriously since before the whole broken back fiasco thingee.  I’m sure I’ll get there eventually as I have significantly managed to change my diet (out with the crap, in with the tasteless). I just wish I was closer to my target now.

Impatient much? Just need to be a bit more zen about it all I suppose.

I think that’s all I’ve got for tonight. Random as ever.

Later Internet

Sleep well

Cheesecake Assemble!

Welcome, Wilkommen & Bienvenue

It is entirely possible that you are a new follower of mine on one of the various social media networks that I inhabit. If that’s true then it is also possible that you’re only familiar with The Eloquent Page and not the roaming free form consciousness that is my Mid Life Crisis. Let me quickly explain. This is my personal blog for all stuff that isn’t about books. Here I waffle about anything that takes my fancy. Things often get random and frequently degenerate into mindless rants. There are no rules, regular spelling mistakes are guaranteed (or you’re money back) and you can also expect the grossest of crimes against the evil gods of punctuation.

Still there?

Oh good. Lets see what has taken my fancy this week.

It’s (NOT) The End of The World as We Know It

Typical isn’t it. You get yourself all psyched up for the big one and then some archaeological snot comes along at says ‘Nope, we were wrong all this time. The Mayan calendar will actually run for another 7000 years and the world isn’t going to end this December 21st after all’. How disappointing is that? I’ve been stockpiling Pot Noodles and Ruffle Bars for months (I lied about the Ruffle Bars. Do they even make these anymore? I may start to stockpile them just for the hell of it. I bet they aren’t as good as when I was a kid * starts to mutter about all this once being fields, jumpers for goalposts etc, etc*).

ney back) and you can also expect the grossest of crimes against the evil gods of punctuation.

Ruffle Bars. Fuck Yeah!

Back to my point (I’m sure I had one). Ahh yes, overall I am what you would call a trifle disappointed. I was looking forward to something involving mutants and perhaps a nice Mad Max 2 style motif.

Oh well only just over seven thousand years to wait. I’ll see you there?

My First Multiple Joygasm

Yesterday Mrs C and I finally managed to catch a screening of The Avengers. For various reasons we have had to wait for two weeks since it came out. What can I say? Essentially I sat for the entire length of the film with a big dumb goofy grin on my face. It was wonderful. So much so that I had another one of my epiphanies that goes something like this.

I’m working on the assumption that most, if not all of you, have at one time or another had an orgasm (fucking great aren’t they? can’t recommend them enough. If you haven’t had one you really should get around to getting yourself one. They are awfully good. I digress.) In a similar vein there is what I like to call ‘the joygasm’. Now the joygasm is basically that brilliant moment when you are indulging in some activity you love (this can be anything as long as it is not sex) and you experience a moment of sheer unadulterated joy. For me it happens most often to me when I watch films. Here’s a quick list of examples that always ensure I achieve a joygasm

•    The moment Jonh Williams score for Superman begins

•    Lewis Collins running down the hallway at the end of Who Dares Wins

•    The faux happy ending and then the real ending of Brazil (I should note joygasms don’t always have to come from an upbeat cinematic moment).

•    The line “You killed my father. Prepare to die” from The Princess Bride

•    Rowdy Roddy Piper in They Live.

So in a nutshell what I am saying is that each and everyone one of these things always makes me spectacularly happy. I won’t bore you with the reasons why just believe me when I say that they do.

Avengers was chock full of these perfect little moments. *BEWARE MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD*

•    The Helicarrier

•    Hulk and Thor duking it out

•    Agent Coulson saying goodbye

•    The final battle

•    The after credits scene

•    Loki and The Hulk play rag doll

Avengers Casual Friday

I could so easily go on and on but I’ll attempt to manfully rein my enthusiasm in. Suffice to say, this is, with out a doubt, the biggest spectacle of the year so far. I am in awe. More, I demand it now, immediately if not sooner. Hence the title of this little section of the post My First Multiple Joygasm. I beat you thought this bit was going to be all filthy didn’t you? You perv.

That, There Training Malarkey

I had my first proper blip in my attempt to run 500k in 2012. Last week I over did it when weight training and managed to pull the muscles in my left arm. I ended up having to walk 5k and the gym for the next session as I couldn’t run. I was really annoyed at myself for such a simple mistake. I should have worked up to lifting heavier weights but instead I just over did it and paid the consequences. Lesson learned the hard way. I am glad to say that my arm is just about back to normal. Now if I can just get rid of this spectacular cold I have I should be ready to begin again, sensibly, on Tuesday. Here’s hoping.

Right enough of the random spouting. I’m off to save the world from itself. Until next time be excellent to each other and party on dudes! (Oh yeah, I’m kickin it old school).

Mr C

High Time for an Update

Once again over a month has hurtled by and I have not managed to post even the most rudimentary of blog posts. I really don’t know where the time disappears to. I think I have to make a bit more of an effort (we’ve all heard that one before haven’t we. didn’t stick to it last time so unlikely I’ll stick to it again but fuck it I’ll give it a try.)

The Running Man

First some good news. I am now well over the first 100K of my epic 500K for 2012 (I’m at 130K fact fans). A few thoughts have struck now that I have established a bit of a rhythm to the challenge.

  1. Running on a treadmill can get a little boring. I am starting to picture myself as a giant 6ft 2 hamster. That probably isn’t a good thing unless I was a furry (I’m not). I’ve wondered about asking the gym to provide some sort of incentive to liven things up. Perhaps releasing a wildcat into the room? That would certainly make things more exciting wouldn’t it?
  2. Thought I know the exercise is doing me good my there are moments when my body seems to disagree. Various aches and pains are starting to make themselves known on a regular basis. The most peculiar injury so far is a strain to the middle finger of my left hand. Don’t know how I managed it and the bloody thing just won’t go away.
  3.  Ultimately I suppose that it’s all good. No pain, no gain and all that. Since the start of this epic journey I’ve gone from 17st 8lbs to 15st 4lbs. This brings my total weight loss overall since I started to 32lbs. Hopefully this time I’ll keep it all off!


My arch-nemesis came back to haunt me with a vengeance over the last couple of weeks. The 21st century green eyed monster I have labelled ‘techno-envy‘ has reared its ugly head again. First the new iPads were unleashed (I know, I know. I don’t need one. Doesn’t mean I don’t want one though) and then I made the mistake of switching on my old laptop. Compared to Mrs Cheesecake’s new beast of a desktop my laptop is, frankly, a bit shite. I’ve since found myself here regularly drooling at all the fine bits of kit that are on offer. I foresee a purchase on the horizon.

The Social Media Brick Wall

I think that I have reached an impasse when it comes to all the social media that I currently inhabit. Hmmm, how best to explain? You would think that using Twitter/FB/Blogger et al for years now that I would be getting more confident and better at navigating through the technological molasses that is the internet? No, not at all. In fact, if anything, I am getting worse. I’ve done a terrible job of promoting my review site and seem to fail regularly at connecting online with other like minded peoples. Due to this my apathy towards all forms of social media seems to be growing exponentially. I get frustrated and annoyed far too quickly. (I should stress here that my anger and frustation are almost entirely directed at myself).

Perhaps some sort of self imposed exile may be in order just so I can come back to this arena at a later date with a more positive attitude to it all. I just don’t know the best way out of this techno-funk? The solution to my current malaise may require more brain power than I previously thought.

The Con is On!

I am however somewhat hopeful that my overcast mood will soon lift. Why? Well, Alt.Fiction is very nearly upon us. I was fortunate enough to attend last year and I had a rather good time. This year the event takes place in Leicester . Never been there before so it’ll be interested to check out somewhere new.

My one resolution for this year is the same as it always is – try and be a bit less shy. You might not realise this to look at me but inside I’m just a huge, uncoordinated, awkward bag of nerves when around people I’m slightly in awe of. For clarification I am in awe of anyone who is more creative than I am (so that’s effectively the entire population of the planet).

Anyway, if you happen to be there and you see a slightly bemused looking Scotsman with bright red hair please do say hello. I will certainly try and respond. Perhaps even using something that resembles a human language? Your guess is as good as mine.

Right I’ve had enough of the writing malarkey for now. I’ll leave with a bit of abstract art that Mrs Cheesecake and I crafted while out shopping last night. It’s a reflective piece that offers insight into the rampant consumerism that plagues our planet….

Rude words, run away!

…or it may just be childish, fucking about.


Keep on Running

The first two weeks of the 2012 challenge are complete. Thoughts so far? Well, unsurprisingly it’s been fucking hard. I’ve had a think about it and I don’t think, prior to this month, I have actually run at all this century. (Thats probably not good is it?) So far I have managed 18k so only 482k to go. Why only 18k? I have to be honest and fess up, I only managed 3k the first time out. Since then however I managed a solid 5k each time I have gone to the gym. Perseverance appears to be the watchword

I’m also pleased to note* the fact that I have managed to get slightly faster on each occasion. Not massively so but I guess its can only be a good thing to be improving. The key thing, I think, is that I have to keep reminding myself that this is a long term goal. I plan on going to the gym twice a week for the rest of the year. I will run 500k in 2012 and if I’m going to I don’t want to over do it first month out.

The best way I can think to celebrate this momentous(-ish) achievement. An appropriately themed bit of music I think.

Later Peoples

Pablo ‘The Running Man’ Cheesecake

*feel free to insert – I’m quietly smug about

2012 – The Year of the Cheesecake?

Happy New Year!

What does 2012 have in store I wonder? Mrs Cheesecake and I were talking about the highlights of 2011 this morning and I released she was able to list many more personal achievements than I. Don’t get me wrong I am intensely proud of her but also quite a bit jealous. I need to set myself some proper goals for a change. So here goes… (you can mock me about not completing them later in the year, say August?)

Project Cthulhu

I have started to save, thanks to some generous relatives at Christmas, and my first goal will be to get the design finalised and my first 3hr session booked. I reckon for around Easter. We shall see. The next update will be over on the project page. (See the link on the right hand side of the page)

He Don’t Have What We Call The Social Skills

I’m not too bad when I talk to people online and if I’ve known you for a real life for a while I’m ok as well but when it comes to meeting people for the first time I am still a bit of an oaf. I need to try a bit harder to get on with people. I’m just terribly shy, underneath all the bluster I mean. I’m nice most of the time, honestly.

On The Cusp of Less Rubbish-ness

I was going to call this section of the post On The Cusp of Greatness but if I am being 100% honest with myself greatness might be aiming a little high. Less rubbish seems a much more acceptable and achievable goal.

So what is the grand plan I hear cry? Well it is only a matter of days before the 2012 challenge begins in earnest. I plan a 500km run in 2012 (I must be off my fucking chump). I managed 20000 sit ups in 2011 but I think this endeavor is considerably upping my game.(I’ve joined a gym and got a new pair of trainers and everything). Why am I doing it? Really just as  personal challenge. To see if I can manage it I suppose. I need to loose some weight anyway so why not try some incredibly foolish way to do it.

I’m sure there will be further progress updates in the future, either that or I’ll be dead. We shall see. Time will out as they say.

Fuck it I’m bored of wittering now (that probably doesn’t bode well for all these lofty bloody goals does it?)

ho hum



Been Far To Long Again Hasn’t It

Honestly I really do like writing a blog. I know that may seem like an out and out lie but it really is the truth. I have just been pretty busy of late and whenever that happens the first thing to suffer is my Mid Life Crisis. I promise I will try harder next time. Anyway on with the latest (long awaited?) update.

A Fat Man Busts a Gut in 2011

The finish line is clearly in sight, only 500 sit-ups to go. Another arse spankingly daft personal challenge very nearly complete. Side effects of this nonsense? weight has dropped from 17st 8lbs down to 15st 11lbs. The crazy thing. I plan on doing something just as fucking stupid next year. I want to lose another couple of stone. What epic foolishness have you got planned then? I hear very few of you cry. Ok I am going to run 500 kilometres. I shit you not. I have my gym induction booked for next week and everything. I might even by some new trainers. 10km a week for 50 weeks should do the trick. I even get 2 weeks off for good behaviour. I’ll update this topic again next year when I am up and running (Oh suit yourself).

Tis The Season To Be Cheesecake

Christmas is just round the corner. I am looking forward to it. Two weeks off work and lots of tasty treats. I am a big fan of Christmas. My usual grumpy demeanour is slightly less grumpy than normal. I do hope there is snow (one of my earliest memories is of snow, always warms the old cockles). I have also have snagged a crackin gift for Mrs Cheesecake. I think she will like. Some nice lateral thought has gone into this one. My main gift is going to be a Kindle. Hmmm gadget-tastic. There is bound to be more swag on the day. I’ll probably post about it.

Lets not forget though, Christmas isn’t just about presents. There is some crackin TV to watch as well.

Only Scotland Could Do This

So it was a bit windy the other day back in the Auld country and needless to say the social networks were abuzz with all the action. What did the cheeky young scamps christen this weather related phenomena? #HurricaneBawbag. Yup, only Scotland could name a hurricane after slang for the scrotum. I salute the entire country for the best hashtag in the history of Twitter.

Till next time

Adios Amigos

Oh before I go. I forget to mention Brian Blessed is now on Twitter. Follow him, you know you want to.


A Week of Cheesecake

This week a bring you a random assortment of the stuff that has happened in our house

The Seven Day Sandwich

Mrs Cheesecake and I enjoy watching Man vs Food. I you haven’t ever seen it I strongly advise you check it out, it fucking rocks. Anyway it got us to thinking about all the strange a delicious looking foods that our American cousins have access. How easy would it be to replicate this sort of culinary adventure in the UK? We decided we would give it a go. We set our sights on creating a Reubens. The primary ingredient is salt beef. Just to make things interesting we thought we would have  bash a preparing our own salt beef. Turns out this takes the minimum of seven days. The beef has to be soaked in water that contains various herbs. Was it successful? We will find out tomorrow. I am hoping for something along these lines.
Reuben Sandwich

Paging Dr Cheesecake

A few months ago I entered a competition to appear in a book by the publisher Abaddon. Bugger me if I didn’t go ahead and win. The prize was to have an academic named in one of the appendices in the novel Savage Knight by Paul Lewis. I decided the nominate Mrs Cheesecake instead and today the book arrived. I had a rummage and low in behold on page 279 the following….
Dr Cheesecake
This may be the coolest fucking thing ever. I’m sort of jealous I gave the prize away now. She’ll be in print forever. Immortality achieved at last.

2011 Challenge Update

We are well and truly in the final stretch. After nearly 10 months I have managed over 16000 sit ups. Less than 4000 to go. Happy days. Actually that is not entirely accurate. I have to think of what I am going to do in 2012. I’ve done the huge cycle trek (500km in 2010) so I am looking for suggestions for next year. No not chin ups I am to tall for that. Perhaps I should come up with some sort of weight training program? I’m sure I can come with something. Hey you never know one day I may not be fat anymore. Stranger things have happened. Admittedly I’m unsure what these stranger things are but you get the gist.
Ohh before I forget, if you feel the urge you can still donate to my just giving page. Well I say mine. It is one that I share with my amigo @Seabrie. Together we are Two Fat Men. Impressive non?

Sunday Night Whimsy

I am a creature of habit. After a long hard week I enjoy putting my feet up and giving my self over to the Lords of Whimsy. What, you may ask, is this? I have this theory that someone, somewhere invented a rule that every Sunday night there has to be a lavish looking TV show on. Disagree? I submit the following as evidence. Hamish Macbeth, Monarch of the Glen, Lark Rise to Candleford (known as Lark Rise to Bumble Fuck in our house – I don’t know why either), Spooks, Downton Abbey. Now don’t get me wrong. These shows ain’t Shakespeare but but sure as hell are entertaining.
Oh well enough of this jibber jabber
Stuff to do
Laters Taters,Adios
Mr C

Just realised this my 150th post. Can’t let this go by without a Fuck Yeah! I can also pretty much guarantee that there will be 150 more. I mean where the hell else am I going to waxy lyrical.

A Random Ten Things

Tonights post is brought to you by ten random things that have occurred this week in my life.

  1. I’m obsessing about sandwiches again. This time something called a Reubens. Mrs Cheesecake has bought into the lunacy and we are going to prepare our own salt beef brisket. Takes about a week to do so don’t be surprised if there us another update re: this in about seven days time.
  2. So iOS5 landed this week. Based on what I have read on the interweb I have had a hassle free update. Some others have had some issues. I guess I have been lucky.
  3. Fantasycon is going back to Brighton in 2012. The same team that were responsible for this year’s con are going to be running the show again. Same hotel as well. I am pretty keen to attend I think. This year was a great deal of fun. Lots of real nice folks there this time out so I don’t see why it shouldn’t be the same again next year.
  4. This years annual challenge is still going strong. To recap 20000 sit-ups in 2011. This week I have hit 15700. Possibility of completing challenge remains highly likely.
  5. Werewolves continue to usurp my reading list. Poetry as well. Truly a eclectic mix.
  6. I bought a body warmer. This must herald the return of the 1980s. I look forward to the return of day glo socks. They were fucking great.
  7. I have admit defeat and concede that the pumpkins have not performed as well as I would have hoped. I think again the great British weather is entirely to blame. Next year there will be greenhouse and hopeful slightly more successful crops. The parsnips will get picked this weekend. My hopes for them are sightly higher.
  8. No movement on Project Cthulu yet. Perhaps in the New Year If I’m lucky.
  9. Tomorrow my brother in law is coming to visit and we are off to see The Three Musketeers. I have a great love for Frenchie styled movies. I love the numerous versions of The Count of Monte Cristo and also The Three Musketeers so this should be fun.
  10. Messing about with my phone earlier I captured Freya up to mischief – No I don’t know what she is doing either. I’m sure she is up to something though.  
Cat in a bag

Nighty night,

Sleep Tight,
Don’t panic there aren’t any bedbugs that’ll bite….
Just me hiding under your bed

A New Post About Things and Stuff

Pablo Cheesecake vs Himself

It was inevitable really. After years of moaning about everything else it was only a matter of time before I turned my attention to the worst offender of them all. The King of the Hill, El Numero Uno, The Big Kahuna, the Grand Fromage………me.
What could possibly cause all this full on self-loathing? Hmm…how best to put it….Since I turned thirty my body has been failing me on, what seems like, a regular basis.
The most recent trauma is a recurrence of my thyroid issues. Now for those blissfully ignorant of this particular gland the thyroid helps to regulate energy levels in your body. Mine, putting it as succinctly as possible, is fucked. I have been using medication for a few years now to help manage the problem. A while back my doctor suggested a reduction in my meds. Initially everything seemed fine and, as is the way with these things, I promptly forgot all about it.
Cut to last week. In the space of one day I feel asleep at my desk at work, then on the bus on the way home and for a third time at around 8pm. As soon as I sit down and I am not focusing on anything I start to drift off and then fall asleep.
The worst part, without doubt, is that this is causing problems with my reading. I am sure most of you are aware that I run The Eloquent Page. I like to keep it ticking over and try to post a couple of reviews a week. For me a couple of books of week is an easily achievable goal. Unfortunately my thyroid is causing me no end of grief. No matter how much I am glued to the latest novel I am reading if I get too comfortable and relax and then I start to fall asleep. It is making things difficult to keep to a regular posting schedule.  I am going to try to keep going and hopefully the boffins can sort me out. I just feel terribly disappointed. Literally at the point where things are starting to pick up with the site and I am failing myself.
Sorry. I apologise. Please excuse the self-pity. I just needed to vent a bit. its just so fucking annoying. I feel fine but can’t stay awake. There are many people in the world that are way worse off than I am so I don’t really have any right to complain.

The Linear Nature of Time

Days and months zip by and on a much more upbeat note, it is my birthday this weekend. Has it really been a whole year? I’m looking forward to spending a nice day with Mrs Cheesecake. She has promised a slap up lunch, always a bonus, and I know she has a couple of surprise gifts hidden somewhere. When it comes to birthdays and Christmas I am still a big kid. I love opening gifts and enjoy the festiveness of it all. If I think about it I dont really care what age I am. Every year seems to bring new challenges but also new joys. I’m just aiming to be happy in my own skin. Not the loftiest of goals but a good one I think.

Of Hobbits and Caped Crusaders

The latest production diary for The Hobbit surfaced this morning. Once again I find myself swept up in all the excitement. Peter Jackson is entirely the right man for the job, as he has proved already with Bad Taste and Braindead. (If you haven’t seen either then seek them out immediately dammit! ) I think he did direct some other stuff but I am not sure what they are about.
Meanwhile Batman Live has finally started it’s tour. Mrs Cheesecake and I have tickets for when it arrives  in Nottingham. If it is as good as Doctor Who Live was we should be in for a real treat. Nothing better than a public entertainment is there? I have high hopes. I’m also looking forward to the forthcoming DC reboot. I just need to decided what titles to spend my hard earned on.

The Woes of a Gadget Whore

I was complaining a while back that I had owned my shiny new iPhone 4 for a while and was yet to receive a phone call on it. Now don’t panic I’m not looking for your pity. I don’t get a great deal of phone calls full stop but that’s cool I contact my peoples via the social media and what not. I just wanted to relate the tale of what happened when I finally did get my first call.
Mrs Cheesecake rang to let me know she would be late. The phone started to vibrate (like the conscientious sod I am I tend to put it on silent. Which in itself is a shame as I have cracking ring-tone but I digress *see below*) Any way, I answered the phone with a flourishing swipe of my finger on the touchscreen.
“Hello” says I
….Not a peep in response
“Hello” again nothing.
Finally after about 30 seconds I remember that my headphones are plugged in to the phone but I am wearing them round my neck not on my ears. Turns out that once again, though I love my technology, I am the very definition of ‘a tool’.
Here, for anyone that has gotten this far, is my current ring-tone*
Till my next rant.
The Caped Cheesecake

A week of unhealthy obsession…..

Once again Mrs Cheesecake is out in the fresh air attacking the garden with an admirable vigour. I, meanwhile, am hiding out in the spare room pondering the universe. This week I have mostly been obsessing about all the little things.

Pablo Cheesecake – Stat Whore

A negative I’ve noticed about running The Eloquent Page is that I have started to obsess about the number of hits the site receives on a daily basis. It’s ridiculous really. I get caught up with numbers, always have if I’m honest. I set myself a target and once I reach that I always have to try and go one better. If for any reason I get less than the day before I am thrown into a blind panic and start to question my entire existence.

This behaviour has to stop. I need to remember the reason I created the site in the first place.  For those playing along at home the correct answer is To get back into reading and to connect with others who love a good read.

In an effort to curb the madness and reclaim my sanity I am only going to post once this week, on Friday.

A game of cheesecake

This week I’m also attempting to take on my Moby Dick of reading, my great white literary whale, A Game of Thrones. I thought I should read before the TV show starts. I’ve mentioned in the past that I have never managed to read this book and I am more determined than ever to break the back of this beast. Unfortunately I am not off to a flying start, only 30 pages in *sadface*. Hell I should probably be reading it right now but instead I am waxing lyrical on the interweb.

green lantern

I saw the new footage of the Green Lantern on the internet yesterday. I was impressed and then I was panicked. Is it too good to be true? Have we been subjected to the best 4 minutes already and the movie as a whole will not the what I hoped it could be? Am I obsessing again about things that I have absolutely no control over whatsoever? I remain fearfully optimistic.

feel the Burn

I reached a milestone with the old situps at the beginning of the week. I have now sailed past 5000 and I am bang on track to achieve 20000 in 2011. Now that I have settled into a routine I am starting to panic that it is getting too easy and I wont reap any benefits. I’m worried that if there is less pain there will be less gain. I’ll be honest the KFC probably isn’t helping either.

Great Scott! I’m a gibbering wreck of a human being. Please feel free to return to your normal Sunday afternoon viewing while I go and rock slowly in the corner muttering expletives to myself.