Nearly the end of 2013 so I thought a little review of the last twelve months might be in order. Here is a plethora of random stuff and things that caught my eye.
Vikings, Bloody Thousands of Em’!
For reasons I’m not entirely sure of there have been quite a lot of viking related stuff in 2013. I find myself rather pleased. (I think perhaps in my more whimsical daydreams I like the idea of being a Viking myself.)
- I read the first Northlanders graphic novel by Brian Wood and Davide Gianfelice. It’s a superb bit of storytelling and visual striking work.
- Swords of Good Men by Snorri Kristjansson was released and I got to meet him. Splendid chap and excellent book.
- The Polaris Whisper by Kenneth Gregory also has a distinctly Nordic tone and a plot point that managed to catch me totally unaware, which was nice.
- Everything about the the television show The Vikings is brilliant. The soundtrack by Trevor Morris is particularly evocative. Looking forward to season two already. The History Channel really picked a winner with this one.
It’s All About The Rimming
Pacific Rim was one of my favorite films of 2013. No, I don’t care if the physics was wrong. I don’t give a single whopping fuck if the Jaegers would collapse under their own weight. Give me a break… IT WAS GIANT ROBOTS FIGHTING GIANT ALIENS FOR FUCKS SAKE. It’s essentially Power Rangers with a humungous budget. Great fun, ace soundtrack and Ron Perlman wearing gold tipped boots. Doesn’t get any better than that. Consider me a certified, dyed in the wool Kaiju groupie.
The other Rim this year was Skyrim. I finally caved and started playing the game on PC. Her inside the doors has been raving about it for ages now. I have to admit it is quite addictive. The game looks beautiful and stuff like this can happen.

This is going to end badly…
The Golden Age of Geekdom
I have this theory – If you’re a geek you’ll be pleased to know that we are now living in a golden age. Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Man of Steel, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. There has been a whole shedload of great comic book related movies this year. The best part – there are so many more still to come. Hollywood has finally cottoned on to the fact that geeks love their superhero movies (as long as they are treated with a bit of respect). Which was my favourite? Man of Steel I think. Henry Cavill worked perfectly as a the last son of Krypton. The story was epic in scope and the Hans Zimmer soundtrack is suitably anthemic to boot.
Kickin It Old School
I rediscovered Nemesis the Warlock this year. Purely by accident it came back into my life and I’m glad to report it is still one of the best comics I’ve ever read.
If you’ve never read it before you really should.
Doctor What?
Fifty years and still going strong. All the anniversary shenanigans were fab. We were lucky enough to see The Day of the Doctor at the local cinema and it was wonderful. It left me genuinely excited for the arrival of Mr Capaldi.
So there you have it. Some stuff wot I liked this year. I imagine I will probably like stuff next year as well. Time will out.