Honestly I really do like writing a blog. I know that may seem like an out and out lie but it really is the truth. I have just been pretty busy of late and whenever that happens the first thing to suffer is my Mid Life Crisis. I promise I will try harder next time. Anyway on with the latest (long awaited?) update.
A Fat Man Busts a Gut in 2011
The finish line is clearly in sight, only 500 sit-ups to go. Another arse spankingly daft personal challenge very nearly complete. Side effects of this nonsense? weight has dropped from 17st 8lbs down to 15st 11lbs. The crazy thing. I plan on doing something just as fucking stupid next year. I want to lose another couple of stone. What epic foolishness have you got planned then? I hear very few of you cry. Ok I am going to run 500 kilometres. I shit you not. I have my gym induction booked for next week and everything. I might even by some new trainers. 10km a week for 50 weeks should do the trick. I even get 2 weeks off for good behaviour. I’ll update this topic again next year when I am up and running (Oh suit yourself).
Tis The Season To Be Cheesecake
Christmas is just round the corner. I am looking forward to it. Two weeks off work and lots of tasty treats. I am a big fan of Christmas. My usual grumpy demeanour is slightly less grumpy than normal. I do hope there is snow (one of my earliest memories is of snow, always warms the old cockles). I have also have snagged a crackin gift for Mrs Cheesecake. I think she will like. Some nice lateral thought has gone into this one. My main gift is going to be a Kindle. Hmmm gadget-tastic. There is bound to be more swag on the day. I’ll probably post about it.
Lets not forget though, Christmas isn’t just about presents. There is some crackin TV to watch as well.
Only Scotland Could Do This
So it was a bit windy the other day back in the Auld country and needless to say the social networks were abuzz with all the action. What did the cheeky young scamps christen this weather related phenomena? #HurricaneBawbag. Yup, only Scotland could name a hurricane after slang for the scrotum. I salute the entire country for the best hashtag in the history of Twitter.
Till next time
Adios Amigos
Oh before I go. I forget to mention Brian Blessed is now on Twitter. Follow him, you know you want to.
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