Once again its been ages since I’ve done an update on my blog. I apologise, I often forget that the entire internet hangs on my every word. Anyway, here is some stuff about this and that. (You know, the usual guff I normally spout.)
Pablo Cheesecake versus Subconscious Sabotage
My brain and I are currently at loggerheads, at least it seems that way to me. On 15th December I found myself in Accident and Emergency at around 12.30am. I had experienced what the paramedics called ‘some sort of seizure’.
The worst/scariest part of the whole thing was that, from my perspective at least, I was utterly absent when this happened. I have no memory about any of this at all. Apparently I rolled out of bed, landing on my shoulder, I bit my lip and was doing the whole frothing at the mouth. I’m just incredibly lucky that Mrs C managed to keep calm (I don’t know if I could have) and got an ambulance to whisk me to hospital.
A couple of weeks have passed now and I’m glad to say report that there has been no further recurrence. I feel 100% ok. I’ve visited the local hospital and the likely prognosis is some sort of epileptic fit. There are going to be more tests but I suspect I will probably end up on meds to manage this.
If anything, this whole incident has made me re-evaluate a lot of things. Which brings me nicely onto my next topic of wittering.
The Eloquent Page
Last year was a pretty damn successful year for the old book blog. Over one hundred reviews, three conventions, and I got the chance to read some of the best fiction around. That can’t ever be a bad thing can it? Well, what I did come to realise is that it was taking up just a bit too much of my time. Don’t get me wrong, I love to read (I frickin adore it), but I just couldn’t keep up that pace. Two books a week was cutting into the rest of my life way too much. I could have asked MadNad for more assistance but she already helps out whenever she can and she currently runs a couple of her own websites so. I couldn’t really expect her to give up her own projects.
So since January 1st I’ve cut down to just one review a week and I think this is working out much better. I can take more time over each book but still get to spend time doing something that I love. Perhaps I’ve finally figured out a balance that works for me? Time will tell.
It’s Not All Doom and Gloom
Oh dear, this post seems to have taken a slightly downbeat turn doesn’t it? Can’t be having that. I’m all about the upbeat and spangly after all. In an effort to combat this existential funk lets finish on a high shall we. Look here’s a picture of a nude banana.
Till next time. (No, I don’t know when that will be either).
Be good