Spring has just arrived but Winter is Coming?

Ahhh Spring and a young (ahem) man’s thoughts turn to blogging. It seems this week that winter is finally receding and the weather is taking a turn for the better. On Tuesday I went to work without a jacket and last night I purchased a short sleeved shirt. Thinking about it this will probably encourage rain. Feel free to blame me I don’t care.

As I type Mrs Cheesecake is out pottering around in the garden. (I should point out that I was helping as well but once all the heavy lifting is done I tend to become superfluous to requirements. I don’t really excel when it come to the delicate stuff.)

game of thrones

We creep ever closer to April 18th and the UK debut of Game of Thrones. I remain steadfastly optimistic but I still haven’t got around to reading the first book. I should probably do that? I am sure it would make the whole televisual experience that much more exciting. In an even worse admission –  I own a copy I’ve just never opened it. I know, I know. I should be taken out back a flayed to within an inch of my existence.

tech obsessive

I just cant help myself. I get a gadget and immediately I have a desire to replace it with the next new shiny that appears on the market. I think part of the problem is that I don’t research things enough. I got a new phone eighteen months ago and thought I was onto a good deal. Turns out I was just buying into the marketing hype. It truly is a massive steaming turd of a thing.  I need to learn to take a step back and then breathe before I make a fucking decision. Still only one hundred and twenty three days and then I can get the phone I actually want.


I recently said on The Eloquent Page that any book is enhanced by the addition on zombies. (I stick to that conclusion by the way). This got me thinking about films. Is there a cinematic equivalent? After much searching I believe the answer may be YES. I firmly believe that the addition of ninjas into any film can only be a good thing. Check this out insanity out!

I have to admit that I do enjoy a film when it is distinctly cheese-laden and this looks like it may fit the bill.

5000 and counting

I reached the first major milestone in this years exercise related buffoonery. 5000 out of 20000 situps are now done. I am bang on my schedule and I think I am starting to feel the benefits of this regime. Next big target is the half way point which, all things remaining equal, I should hit around the end of June. Remember if you are that ways inclined I do have a Just Giving page, in conjunction with the ever steadfast Gibbiot,  where you can show your support.

Till later peoples

stay golden

Mr C

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