Haven’t blogged recently. Not sure why. I guess I just haven’t felt the urge. Everything has been pretty quiet of late. Not seen any new movies since Harry Potter (Which incidentally I can’t even be bothered to review).
Mrs Cheesecake and I did see Bill Bailey last week which was a good night out. I have to admit to being very jealous of his musical prowess and he is also very amusing. Turns out on the horizon we now have a large number of comedy gigs.
- Rob Brydon
- Tim Minchin
- Dave Gorman
- Frankie Boyle
I would say that is a pretty eclectic bunch. Look forward to seeing them all over the coming months.
In gadge related news I caved a purchased a copy of Windows 7. I have been testing the pre-release for a while and found it vastly superior to Vista so will be happy to make the change. I also purchased a Samsung Jet S8000. I have to say I’m pretty pleased with it. It is better than my previous phone and has some nice little widgets and function that allow for social networking to continue easily when I am out and about.
I know what your thinking look at the picture. “Pablo that ain’t no iPhone!” You know what your right but after weighing up the pros and cons and suffering many a long dark night of the soul I had to be honest with myself and go for the phone the best fit my requirements. So there *blows raspberry at reader*
Mrs Cheesecake’s birthday approaches but I cannot and will not divulge anything via this blog. She will have to wait and see. For once I have been proactive and hopefully will not disappoint!
The great British summer time continues to be miserably shitty. One week of blistering hot weather and then crap ever since. It has been so wet I have not been able to cut the grass and now I’m sure it will take chuffing ages to do when the weather does finally improve.
On a more positive note there is Carbonara for dinner this evening so I really shouldn’t grumble should I?
Till next we meet
Ciao from the Cheesecake