Cheesecake & The Gibbiot vs Unhealthiness

Hmmm Cheesecake & The Gibbiot sounds like an unconventional detective agency – I like that. (Nothing to do with the content of this blog just a thought)

Sometimes you get an idea. You think to yourself “I could do this thing and it would be good”. Then you share the idea with someone else and they say “Yes that is I good idea I will do it to”. Meanwhile back in your head the sensible part of your brain is finally awake and screaming “YOU AGREED TO WHAT!”

That is what has essentially occurred in this case. In a moment of, all to frequent, madness I decided I would try for 20000 sit ups in 2011. I then compounded my mistake by mentioning to this loon. It appears I will now have a fellow traveller on my journey.

Ok so it didn’t quite play out exactly that way. Cheesecake and The Gibbiot discussed it sensibly and we have agreed to this health inducing scheme.

I, for my part, intend to start on Monday 3rd Jan 2011. There you go I have actually written down a date thus committing myself to the whole enchilada.

Will every sit up be perfect? Probably Not. Will I be able to walk after the 1st week?  Unlikely. Am I determined? Currently YES!

Wish us luck. Perhaps next time we meet I will be half the man I used to be? (You understand I mean that in a good why right? Wait…. where are you going? Please don’t run away)

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